Whose Glass Ceiling is it, anyway?

(This article was written in the first quarter of 2013 for a corporate event)

With the 2nd annual Women’s Lunchbox event just around the corner, this time I tread upon a primeval issue that has dogged women for centuries – the glass ceiling! But giving a guy editorial space on the Women’s Lunch Box blog probably isn’t the smartest move by our marketing team. Little do they know of the chauvinistic, androgenic writer whose ideology is sure to rattle cages!

To begin with, a bunch of highly successful, educated women having a ‘kitty’ party to gossip about glass ceilings confuses me. In this age of scientific marvels like the God Particle, and resignation of the Pope, why does womankind still feel the need worry about her acceptance in the upper hierarchy, let alone treat it like an issue?

First coined in the mid-80s, the glass ceiling was the invisible barrier to stunt female entry into managerial positions. By reinforcing women’s role in society as a natural homemaker, men ensured financial power and success rested with the male breadwinner. But statistical evidence has proven otherwise when it comes to a woman’s professional capabilities. Power-hungry women today are aggressive, assertive and, coupled with their seamless management skills, have catapulted to new heights.

Today, women get jobs before us, head project teams and climb ladders at an alarming rate. They efficiently delegate tasks to their male subordinates, all while changing baby diapers! And we still question the existence of a glass ceiling?

At this rate, in a couple of years, instead of ‘kitty’ parties, men would be gossiping at ‘lion’ festivities!

Call me chauvinistic, but us men knew what we were doing back then!

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